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It's What's Next

French Onion Soup in Des Moines

Tonight I braved the crazy cold and mind numbing boredom of a Monday night in wintertime Des Moines in search of a good bowl of French onion soup. Before I even left the house, I entertained the idea of making my OWN FOS by hitting up google to steer me towards a recipe that would make kick-ass food. I found one without difficulty, but the recipe called for over two hours of preparation before I would actually be tasting the goods. So, out I went. For some reason I had it in my head that River Mile would have good French onion soup, nope. I hit five or six other places on Court Ave, no luck. My big break came at Zen’s where I stopped to have Sake. The bartender, a helpful chap, said that Django would be the place to go. (Django is about fifty yards from my door at home. How was I to know?) So Django, and a very apt bartender named Elizabeth hooked me up with a FANTASTIC bowl of the good stuff with broiled cheese, bread crumbs and excellent onions. (Django is an upscale place and Elizabeth seemed right at home there) Great soup and two Newcastles later I was headed for home, happy. Now I know where to get the goods when it is crazy cold outside in Des Moines.


2 Responses to “French Onion Soup in Des Moines”

  1. erin says:

    so yummy…..

  2. Gloria says:

    While reading about FOS it reminded me of how some special thing,
    or food, can warm our hearts and souls, to the point of how great
    we can make our circumstances, if we try.


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