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About – Mark Miner

Mark Miner

Mark Miner

Hi, Mark Miner at your service. I write to entertain and educate others. has been around since 1996 and has been a blog since Feb 10, 2009. I have spent the last ten years as an emergency physician in a very busy hospital.

I have a love for all things computing and communicating via the internet. I love photgraphy! I could spend most of any day immersed in photography and videography. I am also an avid fan of all things electronic.

I will periodically write an article about some piece of technology or service that I love or hate. I guarantee that I have no affiliation with any of the services or tech that I write about except that I believe that I have used it enough to speak strongly about it.

Feel free to leave a comment on any post and send me an email.

Mark Miner