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It's What's Next


Day 19, Tulsa to Branson, Missouri

Today was the shortest drive of my trip. I woke up late in Tulsa and drove to Branson, Missouri a total of about 220 miles. I have a friend who’s family has a timeshare in Branson and they had a four day stay that was going to expire at the end of the year so they let me stay here. The place is huge and ultra-modern, and I have the whole place to myself. I bummed around Branson last night (Thursday night). There was not a lot to do, this is the slow season. Evidently Friday nights are better. I am now only 400 miles from home. I am either leaving Saturday or Sunday for home. This has been a great trip! I will try and find a picture or two from Branson today.


Day 18, Tulsa


cough graphic blatantly stolen from the internet

Day 18 was kind of a lay low day. The cough that has been hitting me for the last four days really kicked my ass and I slept poorly. On a better note, I woke up today and the cough is about done. I think I have coughed three times the whole day. (what a wonderful blog, “My Cough”, by Mark Miner)

Day 17 Albuquerque to Tulsa, Oklahoma

Today was a 650 mile drive that would probably have been a little monotonous if not for the hitchhikers… En route from Alb to Tulsa, I passed two hitchhikers in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Their sign read OKC (Oklahoma City) which was directly on my route and still 500 miles away. I gave them a ride. David is a 19 year old student at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He decided to hitchhike home to Nashville for Christmas instead of flying. He told his parents about his plan and his dad flew out to meet him in Colo Springs and hitchhike back with him as a bonding experience. Red (David’s father) is a forestry service fire fighter of many years. He is also very involved in deliberate burning of forests for ecological benefit. They both had very good stories and were excellent for making the ride go much more quickly. I made the whole crew peanut butter and honey tortillas at a gas stop. It was a great day of travel, but not much photo ops.

Day 16, Phoenix to Albuquerque


Near Sunset, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Today was a great drive that took me from Phoenix Arizona to Albuquerque New Mexico. I am starting to get jaded a little bit by all the scenery. It takes more to impress me than it did at the start of the trip. (I am sure that one week in flat Iowa will cure that).

About halfway through the drive today I spotted a sign that said crater national monument turnoff was ahead. It also said tune to am radio 1610 for information. So I tuned in and they told me lots of info and hyped it all to hell. They did not mention the price, the announcement just said “all this for one low admission price”, that made me skeptical, but it said it was “just five minutes off the highway” Actually six miles at thirty miles an hour = twelve minutes off the highway. So twelve minutes later I get to the crater and they want fifteen dollars to see it. Sorry not in the budget. I did tell the manager that the sign for the radio announcement should read ADVERTISEMENT, not information. The manager said that they don’t mention the price so that they can get more people off the highway into their place. (yeah and I hope these travellers take a big crap in their parking lot and then leave).

I got to Albuquerque without a Couchsurf host for the night. I had sent out a few requests but no replies. I was in the parking lot of a super8 when I checked my mail one last time and found that I had a place to stay. (Helen and Lester in Albuquerque) They were great hosts and we went to see the movie Vampires Assistant together. The one picture with this post is close to sunset just outside of Albuquerque. Tomorrow is Alb to Oklahoma City, a drive of about 540 miles.

Day 15b, Pahrump to Phoenix

After hearing some really bad reports about the weather in Flagstaff, I decided to detour south through phoenix instead. I got on the road about three p.m. and drove the three hundred miles to PHX. It was good trip and it passed over the Hoover Dam which was great. Lake Mead is very low though. I posted to the Phoenix Couchsurf group before I got there asking for an emergency couch and I ended up staying with a great gentleman who recently moved to Phoenix from Chicago. He was a CS ambassador there. I had great food and beers and took off for Albuquerque, New Mexico in the morning for a five hundred mile drive.

Day 13, 14, and 15, Pahrump, Nevada

The last three days have been in Pahrump, Nevada visiting family. My dad and my stepmom barb have lived here for sixteen years. Pahrump is about fifty-five miles from Vegas through the mountains and into another valley. We toured some fun stuff in Vegas and in and around Pahrump. It was a great time and a lot of catching up took place. One of highlights was the Atomic Testing Museum  in Las Vegas. There were many exhibits with artifacts, video and a crazy amount of pictures. It took a little over two hours to get through it.  I took plenty of pictures but they are not easily edited on my laptop.  I have a lot to do when I get home.

Tomorrow I’m back out on the road to Flagstaff, Arizona. Evidently they got two feet of snow in Flagstaff so it will be a fun drive.

Day 12, Las Vegas, Nevada




Ok, after all of the beautiful nature made scenery of this trip, I arrived in Las Vegas yesterday. It all seems so mundane compared to everything I have seen on this trip. The blah, blah, Bellagio, Planet Whatever, and the crazy ass people were not really doing it for me. I still walked the strip for an hour last night and got some photographs. Today I am going to my dad’s house in Pahrump for a couple of days. We usually take some pretty scenic drives while I am there. We are also going to drive back to Vegas to go to the Atomic Bomb museum.

Day 11 Crescent City California to Bakersfield


Part of the "Elk Roadblock", Crescent City, California


Pacific at Sunrise


Giant Redwoods flanking Highway 101

Frosty start to the morning, northern California

Frosty start to the day, northern California

Today was day eleven and the last day of PCH. I got an early start just before eight a.m. and headed back out onto California highway 101. As I hit the last of town there was a traffic jam because of elk crossing the road. As I went past I rolled down the passenger side window and got a good elk “head and shoulders profile” shot.

I got out of the car a couple of more times for photos and video before getting off of 101. The second picture is the pacific ocean crashing the beach just after sunrise.  The third is a  couple of giant redwoods on either side of the highway.   The final picture is a house that still had frost on the roof, ground, and trees.

I ended up covering about 700 miles today total. I am skipping San Francisco and Los Angeles because I spent so much time in Portland. SF and LA were only going to be two days each and that would not have been enough anyway (good excuse for another drive).  Tomorrow a leisurely 300 miles to Las Vegas.

Day 10b, Pacific Coast Highway to Crescent City California


Pacific Ocean, Oregon Coast


Pacific Ocean, Oregon Coast


So far on this trip I have covered the daily distance that I intended. This was not the case on the PCH. There are excellent turnoffs and state parks what seems like every five miles, and I stopped at a lot of them yesterday. I put in twelve hours on the road and still only made it about 360 miles. Around every corner and over every hill there were miles long stretches of beach with crazy rocky or evergreen covered cliffs. The waves were cresting fifteen feet and the spray was going twenty-five feet in the air. The sound is this low bass rumble that you can feel in your gut. I understand why people are drawn here.

Today I have a lot of miles to cover. The goal is Fresno, California. Part of the trip is Pacific Coast Highway, then I turn inland for the rest of the drive.

Day 10a – Today’s Drive


Today’s drive takes me from Portland over to Tillamook where I will catch the Pacific Coast Highway for the next 380 miles south to Eureka, California. Do a google search for Pacific Coast Highway Images. Crazy beautiful. Clear skys are predicted!

Day 7,8,9 Portland, Oregon


Dry Suit Surfing, Pacific City, Oregon


Pacific City, Oregon

Day seven and eight were touristy uneventful days. Spent a lot of time catching up with Christine and checking out Oregon nightlife which is great. Today, December 7th, we drove to Pacific City in Oregon on the coast. It is a beautiful town on the pacific with great oceanscapes. The temperature was twenty-nine degrees so cold was the word of the day. Even though the temperature was not agreeable there were still hardcore drysuit surfers making it look warm. Tomorrow morning I am hitting the Pacific Coast Highway, (highway 101). It is supposed to be one of the most picturesque drives in America.

Day Six – Portland, Oregon


Multnomah Falls



Chess, downtown Portland



Classic Mercedes



Christine, Portland Streetcar


What a fantastic day. The first indicator that yesterday was great is that I am blogging today instead of last night. Anything that I would have written, like just about everything I said after midnight would have been jibberish. Alcohol played a big part in this and I love it for the effort.

We started the day yesterday by hitting some non-starbucks coffee shop that was great. It was a converted mechanic’s garage that had a good atmosphere and great java. It was a doubly good idea considering the chilly climate in Portland at this time of year. I wanted to go back out to the scenery along highway thirty just outside of portland and Christine was game. We went to Multnomah falls and it was fantastic. The scale was immense. There were two waterfalls, the biggest drops 620 feet from Larch mountain to a collecting pond before going under a scenic bridge and over a second falls. The bridge and second falls is pictured.

Next was downtown Portland. P-town has the largest number of microbreweries per capita in the nation. The huge selection of beers was well showcased in the Winter Ale Fest that was going on in the heart of downtown. For twenty dollars I sampled ten different beers along with some specialty cheeses. My favorite beer was Stone Brewing company’s Arrogant Bastard Ale. It was a rich dark beer with complex flavors. We hit Powell’s bookstore downtown as well. It is three huge stories of books books books. Every weird person in Portland was there!

Christine just moved into her new place and she had no groceries. I brought the pans and recipe to make stuffed pizza with me on this trip so we collected the ingredients and made stuffed pie. After a great meal of spinach ‘za we hit some bars here in Lake Oswego. There is quite a collection of eclectic watering holes here and they were all serving up the Jameson. Irish whiskey was calling my name (chanting it really) all night and I rose to the occasion. I slept well and now find myself here….

The pictures are Multnomah falls, two kids playing one side of a chess game in downtown P-town, a classic mercedes, and Christine chilling on the streetcar.

Day Five – Portland, Oregon


Winding Highway 30 scenic drive, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon


Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Oregon Scenery is the best so far….

Today’s drive was 430 miles from Salt Lake City to Portland Oregon. I got started a little late and then got behind some kind of pilot car that was driving twenty miles an hour for forty-five minutes. It had traffic backed up for ten miles. Then I hit the Oregon state border and the speed limit went down to sixty-five and I thought it was going to be a shit day of driving. What I didn’t know is how beautiful I-84 in Oregon would be. It was fifty miles of driving along the Columbia river gorge that saved the day. The road winds next to the Columbia river with mountains shooting up both sides. I pulled off on scenic highway thirty and got a couple of pictures. The first is looking back at the twisting road, the second is overlooking the valley and the Columbia river. It was definitely the most beautiful part of the drive.

Day Four – Boise, Idaho


Still water above Shoshone Falls, Idaho


Shoshone Falls, Idaho

Sometimes it’s who you know…

Last night there was a comment on my blog from Jen Campbell from St Lukes ER telling me that if I was headed to Boise I should check out Shoshone Falls on the way. I sort of thought about it while I was driving today and then I saw the sign for Shoshone Falls – nine miles. I got off of I-84 and made it to a beautiful spot. What a great tip and I would not have gone without Jen’s good advice. I got a few pictures there. The first one was in the still water above the falls and then second is from the falls overlook.

The drive was only about 350 today and it was smooth. Again minimal speeding and no tickets.

Boise Idaho is great. Staying with a couchsurfer Lea Rainey. She is a crazy busy IT consultant who works from home. Her place was comfy great and she knew a great Sushi place downtown. Boise was cold but a well placed coffee shop did the trick. Back at her camp we walked to a local spirits place for some great microbrew beer. I worked on these pictures and now I am getting sleepy. Tomorrow is a 430 mile trip that ends in Portland, Oregon. Portland is one of my main destinations. I am visiting a friend from St Thomas who lives there. I don’t have to drive again after tomorrow until Sunday morning…..

Old Timey

Mark and Merle Circa 1973

Mark and Merle

This photo is a picture that my mother recently received that was take by my grandmother. It is a photo of my brother and I in front of her door at the house that I remember so vividly from my childhood. My brother Merle is five and I am seven… I love this picture of my brother and I.

Day Three – Salt Lake City


The Hip-Hoppin_Hippies.....

Great day no driving….. Hung out in the SugarHouse area of SLC, walked around and had a great morning exploring. I hit a kick ass thrift store and bought a couple of “new” shirts. The place was crazy cool. It was housed in an art deco modern building with three floors of used goods. It is run (very efficiently I might add) by the mormon church.

Afternoon, two movies and hangin’ talking about couchsurfing and life in general. Evening time and Zak pointed us to a great burger joint with a one sandwich feast called a garlic burger. It was definitely tied for the best burger that I have ever eaten. (Tied with Shipwreck’s bleu cheese burger in St Thomas). Next was Maggie McGhee’s with pool and dollar fifty beers. I bought us a round of micro brew beers for the two of us. It came to three dollars. I told Zak that she did not charge me enough. “That’s the price on Tuesday nights”, he said. “f’n-a-right.” says me.. Last stop was a bar called “A bar named Sue”. I had a beer there called the Bohemian Viennese. It was an awesome beer.

Home and time to crash, right?… Wrong!… Zak purchased a random bag of crap from that just happened to arrive today. Evidently you pay eight bucks shipping and they send you a box of what-the-cus-ever. So we were drunk, and we opened the box and there were a lot of items that were semi-cool. The item most interesting to a drunk person was a collection of battery operated animated figures called the “Hip Hoppin Hippies” There were five in the set and they were individuals except that when one started playing they all played. I broke out my video camera and got some great footage of three of them playing together. Totally campy but funny. It will be the fotali background when I get home and make it so. It was totally a fun night. I took a picture of three of the hip-hoppin-hippies and made it the photo of the day. When I get home, will have them for a video background….


I have been playing a little with I want it to be a site dedicated mostly to photography/videography. The splash screen is a thirty second full screen video of some of my slides from this summer. Let me know what you think. (warning, is for fast internet connections)

Check out

Day Two – Salt Lake City


Ensign Peak - Salt Lake City, Utah

Easy drive today. Four hundred miles to Salt Lake City. The scenery enroute was fantastic and the drive was smooooth. No tickets and minimal speeding.

Zak is my buddy from couchsurfing this summer and the long driving trip to Key West and the east coast. He lives in Salt Lake City and now I am surfing at his place. His roomates are cool, one of them is into film and tv production. We saw a pretty crazy movie called Fantastic Mr. Fox. It is the new movie by Wes Andersen from Life Aquatic and Darjeeling Limited fame.  Zak treated to pizza at a great dive place in college town, it was great.   Lastly we hit a great spot called Ensign Peak which offered a fantastic view of the entire city.

Day One – Laramie, Wyoming


Lone Tree, I-80 Wyoming

Today was first day and the longest drive of the trip. About 725 miles. Nebraska sucked as always, and I got a warning speeding ticket just before I snuck out of the state. The temperature got progressively colder as I climbed into the mountains in Wyoming, bottoming out at 17F just as I got to Laramie.

Just chilling with Max in Laramie writing this post. Max has been a couchsurfer for the last year. When my friend Zak found out I was headed this way he said I have to surf at Max’s place in Laramie. The place is great. Good movies and thanksgiving leftovers!

I got a few good pictures on the way today. Editing them on the laptop sucks so I am going to work on them tomorrow when I can sit down and really give it my full attention.

I love driving by myself! Tomorrow Salt Lake City!

Pacific Coast Here I come!



Tomorrow I am embarking on a three week west coast driving trip. The plan is to go to Portland and then drive the 101  (Pacific Coast Highway) to Los Angeles. From there over to Pahrump, NV to visit my dad then a couple of days in Vegas. From there Grand Junction Colorado, Denver, Lincoln NE then back home to Des Moines. I plan on taking a lot of photos and video. I am couch surfing or staying with friends the whole way so expenses should be minimal. Tortillas and peanut butter with honey are the staple of the trip. I am going to try and blog every night.

Overnight towns are

Laramie, Wyoming – one night /Salt Lake City – two nights

Boise, Idaho – one night /Portland, Oregon – three nights

Eureka, California – one night /San Francisco, California – two nights

Los Angeles, California – two nights/Las Vegas, Nevada – two nights

Pahrump, Nevada – three nights/Grand Junction, Colorado – one night

Denver, Colorado – one night /Lincoln, Nebraska – one night