FPV at Water Works

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. 60degrees and ZERO wind. Got a lot of flying in (22 batteries).

Pushed the envelope for how far I could fly my fpv wing. Used up the whole field and a little bit more!

St Patrick’s Day Parade

We had a great time at the annual Friendly Sons of St Patrick’s day parade in Des Moines. We had a fun group and handed out lots of beads and candy. The weather was wonderful by start of parade and there were lots of smiling faces!

RIP. KFM Wing 5

So after hundreds of batteries and hours and hours of flying and fun. KFM wing 5 has bit the dust. It was reinforced with bidirectional packing tape on the leading edge, decorative packing tape then fully laminted with 3mil laminate. It was very crashworthy. Finally a high speed nosedive impact into the hard ground bent the frame enough that I almost couldn’t trim it to fly straight. So every removable part was removed and installed on the new frame and KFM wing 6 was born!


On the right is my usual flying wing. Built with dollar tree foam and 1/2 in pink insulation foam from home Depot. It is agile, lightweight, and very durable.

On the left is my scratch built fpv49. It weighs about 5.5lbs with the two large batteries and will fly for about 25 minutes. It is huge, stable, and again very durable. (Think Herkimer Battle Jitney, the best non-lethal military vehicle ever made (at least according to the Mystery Men)) It is a very popular wing among large scratch built fpv fliers, especially in Europe. Do a youtube search for fpv49. There are a lot of great videos.

Excellent FPV49 Video by FPVTrond

Mark Miner